Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Law 25: Re-Create Yourself

Principally, the 25th law advocates being the master of one's image via two processes: self-consciousness and self-creation.

According to the law, the initial step is to be aware of the image one projects to society; consequently, one should be cautious of becoming a sleeping prawn that ebbs with the water's tide. However, this passive aspect must be responded to- without action, awareness is a lost cause.

Armadine Dudevant, French feminist, encompassed this wakefulness by pursuing writing in seventeenth century Paris despite society's demand for her to "make babies and not literature."

In response to self-consciousness, this law invokes the artist in every individual to creatively discard the ready-made role that society has already cooked for him/her.

As a painter (and thus director of the image of what he paints), Diego Velazquez acknowledged having control not only over the image of the royalty he painted in Las Meninas, but also over his and that of the commoners. Accordingly, we all are painters of our own images.

By recognizing life's theatricality, Julius Caesar likened society to a stage, where actors owned the stage and freely portrayed the roles that they wished to exemplify. Dudevant, for example, published novels and granted her place as a writer by effectively playing the role of a man under the pseudonym, "George Sand." Even Hatshepsut had that appeal by proclaiming herself "King of Upper and Lower Egypt."

The key is to be conscious of one's self as an artist who, through dramatic devices, actively controls one's actions, emotions, and appearance in the light of an audience. By being an artist, one manipulates the unfolding of events, using the timing of every event to his/her gain. By being an artist – by being "all things to all men" – one embodies the flexibility required to adapt to shifting situations. By being an artist, one creates for his/her self an unforgettable identity that dazzles the most.

The dignity in this technique can be seen in the intense difficulty of clashing with the flow that everybody else has surrendered and settled for conformity and uniformity. How, then, should one mold/remake one's self in lieu of being different and still being desirable(to one's self and to other people)?

"You are the pilot of your own life."
–Cody Martin from the Suite Life of Zack and Cody

Marcy Leonora V. Pilar


  1. This is true enough. Being new from the society will brought about power, but sadly, also heresy. Like most of the scientist, what is bringing new to themselves and to society have been deemed insanity and unothordoxy. Society seems to be judgmental always, so whenever you are making a new image, be careful otherwise.
    -Jedd Emille Chua
    Hi 18 O

  2. i agree with you jedd that bringing in new things will definitely have different reactions from different people. there will be time that people will actually believe you but surely, you will encounter a lot of oppositions. the challenge for the leader is this: if he/she knew that his/her new plan is for the betterment of the society, i think he/she should be determined enough to face those oppositions.

    mike orlino
    Hi 18 O

  3. In Big Brother. If you change your attitude, people will be mislead that you 'aren't being yourself'. :|

    I agree with you Mike that if you think you're doing the right thing, you should be determined to face the consequences of your actions.

    I also understand you Jedd, society can be a big factor in reinventing yourself, after all reinvention can elicit a lot of reactions from a lot of different people, but I believe that if you know deep down that change will be beneficial for you, we should just ignore what society is saying, we can't please everyone after all.

    Miguel Rojas

  4. MARCY-Ok Marcy I agree to most of your points. Judging from the content of your arguments, it seems to me that you acknowlege the concept of concealment LAW#30. To leave your mark in History would mean to please the people-LEGACY. In this law's case, its recreating oneself. This basically another form of concealment that benefits leadership and Legacy

    MIG ROXAS-Mig, the world is not PBB. Humility and transparency may support you at some point but at times we have to privatize certain aspects of our lives for they might be used to destroy oneself. This is where concealment comes in. In order for peple to know that you are seeminly transparent, one must create a LIE. If one has already established a personality/Identity among his friends then destroy it. Like ripping-off a painting and hiding some where only you know and starting a new painting from a clean canvass (See Plato's Republic). One may feel akward at first because of imbeded moral teachings but one must get used to it or else ones secret becomes obvious and exposed.

    You might have doubts in this argument since it does not conform to the convetional notion of the Good but I ask what is the Good anyway? In order to compromise with the conventional notion of the Good, One may set a limit to the extent of concealment so that others would not be hurt in the process. This is just for self-protection anyway -in others case it really affects a lot of people.


  5. For the record, I don't think there was ever a point above claiming that the world is not PBB.

    It is true that one should not stay static -- hardly anyone does, if any. I always think of Madonna when the subject of reinventing oneself is brought up, and maybe it is because she has been able to stay on top for so long by continually changing her images, and adapting to trends (or setting them).

    The danger here is that sometimes, when you create something new, when you do something "original", it might be too outrageous for people to understand. Jedd's right that there might be a branding of insanity. The "original" or the "novelty" attaches itself to hilarity.

    Pia Angela J. Maske
    II AB-MA Political Science
    Hi 18, Section O
    Law 33: Discover Each Man's Thumbscrew

  6. I believe INDIVIDUALITY plays a big part here. We have the choice to be who we want to be. (Sounds like a song :D) Part of being an individual in the world we live in is by choosing to be different from the world. In choosing to be different, you re-create yourself, (but not to the extent of pretending who you're not and especially not to the extent of lying). In re-creating yourself, you show your own personality through CREATIVITY and with IMAGINATION.

    COLOR SCHEMING -- that's how I would describe this law. We can choose what "color" we want to put on the canvas of our life. Whether that be a bright red or a mellow blue you want to color your life canvas with, it is your decision; it's your life after all. But everything we do in life has consequences. How you present yourself to the world will always have a consequence; there'll always be people who will and will not like you. Just as Miguel said: "we can't please everyone after all."

    BOTTOM LINE: As long as you know you are in the right, it doesn't matter if people hurt you for choosing to re-create yourself. As long as you're in the right and you're TRULY you, the world's opinion doesn't matter.

    Kira Gochuico
    HI 18 N

  7. Thank you for the comments guys! ^^

    Aye,it does pay to be careful in re-creating our own images. But screw what other people think, right? I agree with you Miguel in saying that we cannot please everyone after all. If you try to please everyone, you'll definitely end up ruining your own self, twisting your mind for a certain solution (to this never ending dilemma) that doesn't even exist [perpetually] in the first place. Things change.

    Pia, yes, Madonna does seem to know what it means to re-create herself. She has adapted herself very well with changing trends.

    I love your comment Kira! :) Yes, individuality! The Greeks are very keen on this concept- they believed that a man must be honored for his individual worth and treated with respect just because he is himself. In the words of the great Athenian statesmen Pericles: "Each single one of our citizens, in all the manifold aspects of life, is able to show himself the rightful lord and owner of his own person, and do this, moreover, with exceptional grace and exceptional versatility." This can also be explained in one word: liberty. A man should be able to claim for himself the liberty and the right to do whatever he is capable of doing, to realize his own potential within his society, to speak what was in his mind, to go on his own way without interference from other men.

  8. Re-create yourself in the manner that would benefit you the most. While it is true that we can't please everyone, we CAN please those whose opinion of you DO COUNT. Gain the favor of these people and make use of the image and reputation you have to accomplish your goals.

    People don't like you? If that is of no consequence, if they have no influence anyway, to hell with what they think.

    Patty Geollegue

  9. Kira I agree individuality plays a major role in how one lives life, but then there are so many factors that influence that individuality like culture, family, education, etc. Maybe we only think it's individuality because we think we're making our own decisions. Do you think it's possible that social constructs sort of "dictate" a part of that individuality?

    - Bianca Michaela Bes, Hi 18-O

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. In sociology, there exists the concept of a Looking-Glass Self. This theory explains how one's own concept of his self or personal identity is derived from his reflection on how other people respond to him and his actions. This is done through a social mirror, a device through which he observes how the people around him judges him. Thereafter, he can interpret the judgement of others and use it to re-create his self-concept. If the reactions are favorable, his self-concept is enhanced. Otherwise, it is diminished and it is most likely that he will change his ways.

    Such a theory is helpful in explaining how even though as Marcy said, we are the "masters of our own image" we tend to be conscious of how our image is projected in society. Of course, it is often that people misinterpet the way others see them. As a result, some people have ridiculously high or low self-concepts. Still, I do believe it is impossible to create a self-image without reflecting first how it projects in society. It is such a given that humans are so conscious precisely because we cannot live outide a society.

  12. "MIG ROXAS-Mig, the world is not PBB."

    Yes. It's just a pop-culture illustration. :D

    In Jedd's point of view:

    "Society seems to be judgmental always, so whenever you are making a new image, be careful otherwise."

    I was just saying that it is a 'laboratory' of society; what people might say if they noticed a sudden negative 'recreation' of the self; will they vote that housemate out? If they see something new, that is, in a PBB point of view - an attitude change.

    Miguel Rojas

  13. I was about to say the same theory
    Joselle has mentioned:) To add to that, also from Socio-Anthro, there exists two kinds of status: Ascribed and achieved. Ascribed status is one that you are born with, and have no or very little power to change. Achieved status however depends on characteristics which you have control over. This is where re-creating yourself comes in. As you have said, "we all are painters of our own images." Yes, though society has labeled us to be certain things or has dictated us to play certain roles, that doesn't mean we can't change them. Society is constantly changing, and more and more, how we view each other is changing also. It's really up to us to create a new image for ourselves or to recreate the image we already have.

    Hey, new things are on the rise. There's a lot of room for creativity. :)

  14. I believe that a man who recreates himself is always one step ahead. Although there is a risk of being ostracized for stepping away from previously accepted norms. Changing ones self entails that one improves his/her image in hopes of achieving more. Nonconformists do not and should not even think about what others think about them. What counts is what you recreate yourself into, and whether or not you are able to even achieve what you wanted to in the first place. Think Self-actualization, constant change, and growing with the times. A man who recreates himself will not be left behind, he will go far, and he will not be forgotten.

    Marian Janelle C. Aliwalas
    HI 18 N

  15. I find this law bothersome. I do not believe that changing yourself to please others is a healthy approach in gaining power. You could pretty much lose your identity in search for something that's uncertain. One must remember that we can never please everyone and everyone is entitled to their opinions so if ever they do exercise this right, we must not take it personally. What they say is a mere opinion, it is not law so pretty much, they do not matter at all. It is very possbile to gain power without recreating yourself. For me this law requires too much a sacrifice which is our "self."

    Dexter Tanengsy, Hi18-N

  16. "Be the master of your own image rather than letting others define it for you."
    Dexter, what you pointed out is indeed bothersome, but I think the inconsistency comes in saying that this law is preaching the need for change in order to please other people. Change here, or re-creation for that matter, simply means creatively taking over who you are and acknowledging that you have an identity that doesn't have to conform to the 'traditional' ways of society all the time. In addition, awareness of the image one projects to society simply means reassessing one's self and asking questions such as, "Am I who I want to be?" or "Am I letting what society thinks get in the way of the fulfillment of my ambitions?" If one answers a no and a yes, respectively, then awareness has fortunately taken its place- you have saved and 'resuscitated' your drowning identity, and now the final medicine would be action/re-creation.
    In a world where unity seems to be taken as a product of conformity, it already is a given that unorthodoxy will bring about negative remarks. It may be hard to re-create one's self with the presence of the dictating society, but we live in a world permeated by a billion different opinions and paying too much attention to these will be a hindrance to the actualization of one's self. If you think these opinions have caged you for too long already, help yourself. Break free :) At the end of the day, shouldn't your opinion of yourself matter the most?
    "Hey, new things are on the rise. There's a lot of room for creativity. :) Exactly.
    Thank you again for the comments guys! Keep 'em coming ;)

  17. There are some instances that recreating yourself might lead to your downfall. The heavy metal band Metallica gradually changed their style after releasing 5 albums trying to gain a wider audience by infusing alternative rock into their heavy metal roots. The fan’s reaction however wasn’t so good as their album’s sales gradually declined in comparison to their previous albums which had increased its sales with every album released. I guess old styles are sometimes better than creating a new one.

  18. This law reminds me of the chameleon, and actually i think this is a strong law. When something appears new to the society, more often than not, it creates a fad. But one characteristic of this craze is that it also disappears as fast as it had emerged.
    So it is important, as it had been said in the law, to be conscious of the self and to re-create it as soon as it starts to fade away.

    Marie Dacquel HI18-O

  19. Woot! PBB is a great example of how people seemingly re-create themselves. However, I do agree that the world is NOT PBB and that people who recreate themselves are not necessarily acting unlike their 'true' selves (for only they themselves can tell who they really are).

    Since our environment is always changing, I believe we must always be ready to re-create ourselves to adapt. To recreate ourselves (I agree with Marcy on this one) -- we need to know ourselves well. We need to know what image we are projecting. We need to know as much of ourselves as possible, to know what exactly we want to change, and how we want our image to change. The paintbrush in our new image is only in our hands. :)

    Eric Andres
    HI 18 Section N

  20. Recreating yourself. it is a sign of change which is also a factor for power. First of all, you are able to manipulate yourself. Next, adapting to the environment is a way for survival. Next, it is a sign of improvement that also shows a gain in power due to enhancement. This is the law necessary to improve and have new chances to gain power. Just like Carthage vs Rome, the Romans recreated themselves improving from their defeats and eventually defeating Carthage with their new improvements, old experiences, and newly-born tactics.

    Don Faylon

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