Thursday, July 17, 2008

LAW 28: Enter Action with Boldness

“If you are unsure of a course of action, do not attempt it.”

I like to think that this line pretty much sets the tone for the entire course of the chapter. It is, in itself, a bold statement, claiming forth that all those who hold doubt or hesitation in their hearts should cease to continue whatever task they have formulated in their minds. It is a command for all of us to realize that one must enter all situations with minds that are set and hearts that are sure. But what does it take for one to be free of doubt? How do we convince ourselves to act with confidence and show no fear?

Fear can stem from many different things – people, places, situations, even our own imaginations. I believe that boldness, the true kind, comes not from the fact that you fear nothing, but that you choose not to let such fears overcome you. This law states that one must overcome timidity and show audacity in all situations, for it is in this boldness that you shall get your way. It has been said that the bolder the lie one makes, the better, for the fact that you dare ask for something that goes far beyond what is expected or right shows that you make no hesitations about anything of the situation and of others. Such boldness will cause your prey to think that you are hiding nothing, and will make them trust you more. It is in such situations that the idea of “lions circling the hesitant prey” may also apply. People thrive on weakness. They like situations that make them feel superior, so they tend to pounce on people who are timid and seem fearful to take a stand. If a person is bold and confident from the beginning, on the other hand, other people become afraid of getting shut down by such a person and decide to just follow their lead or shy away. Such boldness then creates authority, for instilling fear into them allows one to manipulate others and get what they want from them.

It is also stated that “Going halfway with half a heart digs a deeper grave.” I personally believe in this and think that such a saying does not apply only to situations that merit recordings in the history books, but also in smaller life situations. The said situations could be about getting into a relationship, going for something you really want, or making a commitment to a group of people or to another individual. For such relationships and situations to work, you have to be sure you can commit to them wholeheartedly and fully, for hesitations breeds complication, or even worse, it could lead to you hurting a person who doesn’t deserve it. Entering all situations knowing that you are sure and completely confident allows one to succeed more in his undertakings. Making a full commitment allows you to give your best and allows little room for regret. Never hesitate, and never hold back, for going through a situation with full force and a strong heart creates opportunity. It will allow one to create his own path or direction, and will enable him to achieve things at his own pace. You are able to get everything you want, anytime you want. Also, being bold will separate one from the rest of the crowd. Acting in a bold manner will allow one to stand out and be noticed, and in this way you draw the people’s attention, and such attention will then create power. Having this power will give one the chance to manipulate a crowd and will make others see him in an authoritative light, thus ensuring that the said people will somehow be under his command.

Consider the acts of Count Victor Lustig, Ivan the Terrible, and Pietro Aretino. They had been relatively “smaller” men, those you would call underdogs, with little power and influence at their disposal. But they had taken that huge step and asked for things that, at that time, were deemed bigger than them, and whatever it was, they got it. They held no second thoughts within them, nor did they enter the situations with faint hearts and weak minds. They knew what they wanted and they took it, and sometimes they took even more. It may seem immoral to take things for yourself at the expense of others, but the fact that such people knew what they wanted and the fact that they boldly took it for themselves makes them men of power. Authority comes from that commanding presence one usually has over a crowd, and these people breathed that authority and eventually gained the power and influence they so deeply wanted. So really, it doesn’t matter where you’re from or who you are, what matters is you know what you want and you believe in yourself well enough to fight for it.

Like all things, though, boldness must be controlled. Overconfidence and holding too much authority has its own complications. One must always be practical in his undertakings. Choose your prey wisely, and make your actions timely. I believe that for boldness to work it must coexist with wisdom and timeliness – having such things and utilizing them along with this bold power will allow for the best results. So be bold, be wise, and plan your action; only then will you truly get all that your heart desires.

But this will not be easy. How does one utilize boldness? More importantly, How does one control power?

Dyan Garcia, II AB MEC, Hi 18 0


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. good post. :)
    i think there very root of power of boldness and authority is the fact that a person can never really be sure of anything, especially nowadays when anyone can publish anything he wants on the internet and claim it to be true.
    tell a person that the earth is actually flat and he'll surely disagree, on basis of all the books he's read and been taught, but there will always be space for doubt within since he himself has never actually seen the world from afar.
    now tell him confidently enough, with some manipulation of facts and back up statements (lies of course) and you might just convince him the earth is as flat as a coin.
    power can belong to anyone who can look as if they know everything about anything. don't you think?

  3. i agree with nico. the fact that one person who can sound so convincing (ie Columbus and his "noble" blood) can indeed control more power than those who just say thing without even citing references. people just have to have confident enough to let others believe that he is credible and the rest will be history. my comment is based on the story of Columbus and how he sort of controlled power during his time just because he was confident enough to believe in his lies. (law no. 34)

    Nastashja Melevo

  4. I agree with Nico as well. With boldness, everyone is assured of his/her moves. Prople will think he/she is invulnerable or powerful in this sense. Note that only use this with caution, some people can manipulate this.
    -Jedd Emille Chua
    Hi 18 O

  5. I want to highlight the point made in the post about boldness going hand in hand with timing and wisdom. I think this is very important because if this boldness is used wrongly, it will be a disaster. Your plan will back fire. Instead of looking bold, you will end up embarrassing yourself in front of everyone. An example of this is when kids talk back to their parents, no matter how bold you are, your parents will still get mad at you. In fact, the bolder you are, the more trouble you will get yourself into.

    Katrina L. Abello

  6. I like how you put Law # 28--you've put the limitations on being bold and daring. I also agree with your definition of boldness: not fearing nothing, but overcoming fear.

    However, while being bold can create that aura of confidence, (which, in effect, intimidates others into following you) the downside of that is that this fear can turn into rebellion or aggression against you. Being bold can provoke equally bold enemies into challenging your authority.

    Eric Andres
    HI 18 Section N

  7. I believe that a person who hesitates while doing something cannot fully achieve greatness. If you are not confident at what you're doing, how can you succeed? I also believe that boldness isn't the only factor that will achieve power (though it is a pretty BIG factor), but what's also important are the person's skills to achieve it. After all, a person who's all just talk is just plain stupid and annoying.

    Trixie Cruz
    Hi18 O

  8. Leaders are just ordinary people with an extraordinary aura that inspires people. If you opt to be a well respected leader, you must be able to lead your people not only in good times but also in bad times. You must not act fearful but appear bold as ever. I'm not refering to impulsiveness here. All I'm trying to say is that if you appear brave and valiant, your men will feel that they have a capable leader hence their morale will be greater than ever.

    Dexter Tanengsy, Hi18-N

  9. There is something about a sense of certainty that, even if you're just faking it, people around you will feel secure in the cause you have urged them to fight for.

    I agree with your reference to lions circling the hesitant prey. If you make the boldness of your character, genuine or otherwise, observable, then you won't be making yourself an easy target. I mean, sure, someone might still see right through it, but what are the odds, right? He would have had seen an opening for him to pursue you further. And that very opening is the moment you become lax.

    Pia Angela J. Maske
    II AB-MA Political Science
    Hi 18, Section O
    Law 33: Discover Each Man's Thumbscrew

  10. If you're saying a pack of lies with utmost conviction--- people may believe you--Take Hitler for example.

    But sometimes, people will just think you're (1) crazy or (2)a liar.

    If this happens, the aura of confidence that you generated will totally disappear.

    Patrick Reyes Hi18 O

  11. Sorry, Patrick. Are you saying Hitler was a liar? I think he believed in most of the things is preacher and that's the only way he was able to get the energy to do the things he did. He was a good orator, but you can't say exactly that he was a liar just because your views aren't parallel with his.

    I agree with Dexter. A brave champions who shines in all his valor is good for the morale of the troops. I believe that all the great leaders in history possessed some quality of boldness. If they didn't, they would not have gotten much done at all.

  12. I think boldness goes hand in hand with commitment pretty well. As you have said, boldness denotes not letting fear overwhelm you. In saying so, one acknowledges but does not get intimidated by the imminence of fear, which is often brought about by the knowledge of consequences (every action has a consequence). To me, boldness can be seen in commitment since in binding yourself with something or someone perhaps, you set aside whatever type of consequence that may come your way- tomorrow, next month, or even next year. It's as if you're forgoing yourself and your life for something or someone that may (and will) cause you a lot more than sacrifice in the near future.
    Boldness can go very well not only with confidence in speaking, but with demonstration as well. Show, and not just tell.

    Bonus points!

  13. boldness = confidence which is a factor of power. very powerful to send the message that you're powerful.

    Don Faylon

  14. I feel so kiddie for saying this...

    I remember the "little engine that could."

    If you think you could, you're halfway there already. Skill will just follow... But heck, getting there will be so much easier.

    Should you have skill but no drive, you've lost before you even began...

  15. Having confidence is very important when making decisions and doing whatever is needed of you. Confidence one's own ability can help a person achieve his goals and exponentially take him beyond what he is capable of.

    Alfonso S. Laviña
    HI 18 Section O

  16. I pretty much agree with everyone.

    I like the way how Dyan considered boldness, not as the absence of fear, but, the choice if you'll let those fears overcome you.

    Good post
