Sunday, July 27, 2008

Law 29: Plan to the very end

“The ending is everything. Plan all the way to it, taking into account all the possible consequences, obstacles and twists of fortune that might reverse your hard work and give glory to others. By planning to the end you will not be overwhelmed by circumstances and you will know when to stop. Gently guide fortune and help determine the future by thinking far ahead.”

In events, decisions and actions man must know what limits he has. To limit what outcome he would want to achieve and understand what things may happen, both desired and undesired outcomes. Man must be able to look at both of these occurrences to be able to respond properly or act accordingly to them. For if an undesired outcome occurs and he fails to comprehend in time, act accordingly to the situation or think of the possible solutions to it he would most definitely fail in which he has planned for.

Planning to the very end does not only mean to think of it and simply have hopes for it. Planning does not only involve seeing the desired outcome but also the steps in which one must take to get to it. To plan would be the processing of an action towards a purpose. A purpose or goal or dream or desire to achieve whatever it is one wants. In order for man to do that he must plan for it in all aspects.

Man must desire something concrete something that when man has achieved, he would be satisfied. It is not so much to say that man must dream or aspire for little, but man must aspire for what he knows he can do and he will be willing to do. Bismarck of Germany aspired and planned for what he knew he would be willing to do and what he knew he was capable of doing. He planned on uniting Germany and that is exactly just what he did. He did not get lost in his pride which most men have fallen to when they accomplish something. This is when, when man achieves something, he shall aim for the next bigger thing. This may become what we may call hubris that has led to the down fall of many great men.

Ram C Hidalgo


  1. AMPOGI MO!!!

    I agree that planning to the very end is a very good way to achieve goals in life. However, my only issue is that when things don't go according to plan, chaos ensues. But having plans makes you seem very sure of what you're doing and makes things very organized.

  2. "Begin with the end in mind".

    Of course, if you are to make plans, one has to make the plan flexible to the sudden twists and turns of life. One has to learn how to improvise along the way, correct? :)

    Ian Cadelina

  3. Well if you would ask me, planning until the end may seem useful, but I do not think it would help a lot in a situation like a battle. Think of it: anything can happen in a battle, right? Did the United States expected and planned for the bombing of both Pearl Harbor and the Twin towers? They didn't. in fact, they were surprised about it.

    In my opinion, what would be much more concrete is to plan quickly and accurately when something unexpected happens. Something like an emergency meeting or some sort. But still, I am not saying that you should not make your plans in advance, hence to the end, but what I am saying that is in surprising situations, a quick reflex of the mind is needed.

    Duey T. Guison

  4. Planning to the very end means preparing for anything that may happen. But, planning isn't everything, it's about executing the plan that matters. Planning is useless if you can't execute it. It should be planning and execution.

    Don Faylon
    Hi18 N

  5. In planning something, one must keep in mind that he has a certain goal to accomplish. And to do this, one is required to know exactly how he will reach that goal. He has to keep in mind that he has limits, and that these limits must be accounted for. He must also bear in mind that there are things that may not go as planned. But that should not stop him from making a concrete plan anyway. There is power in structure and organization, and if everyone knows what to do and how to do it, then the goal will be reached. This can be seen in the Roman legions and their marching army, and what they had accomplished.
    Also, one must have the power of foresight, and the ability to predict the actions of the enemy, pr whatever might happen. Be ready for anything, but prepare for what you expect, and to be safe, expect the worst so that you will know what to do.

    Although a form of unpredictability is also helpful, “winging it” does not always work. It is usually sloppy and disorganized. I guess it is a matter of knowing when to balance when to be unpredictable, and when to stick the plan. But if you ask me, I’d go with sticking to the plan all the way through.

    Marian Janelle Aliwalas
    HI 18 N

  6. This might be the most logical thing to do when going in to battle - prepare. It is not any secret that is left untold. Everyone is aware of it. In fact, it makes perfect sense. If you are aware of all possibilities, why not better prepare for them. If it doesn't assure you victory, at least it gives you more chances of winning.

    Regarding pride, one must never go against what was planned just because his emotions was hurt. This is not kindergarten that people care what you think/feel. This is the real world. Never allow let your team down just because of your emotions. It is simply insanity if you do. Try being professional in what you do. Stick to the plan.

    Dexter Tanengsy, Hi18-N

  7. I like this law because I agree and disagree with it at the same time. This is the type of law that makes great heroes who have great defeats. Setting your sights at something and going after it, planning every inch to get there makes your goal so unwavering that you will most likely die for it. Cowards live forever and Heroes don't last.

    Dexter associates this law and with planning for war. I agree that especially in times of war, you must see the end in mind and everyone needs to be in the same boat. I do however feel that not everything is disclosed. And with that I mean, a retreat plan. Generals never talk to their army about how they will be victorious, but just in case this is what we will do to retreat. Actually when you think about it there is no real method to retreat. It is basically, RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!

    With this said, I also do not believe that this law is truly effective, because I feel that you should always have two ends in mind, if you want to survive. During the ancient times, planning for failure would be downright cowardly and unheard of. In our modern world, we plan for success and failure all the time.

    Take an example of two competing companies. When they strategies their "battle plans", pricing, marketing, distribution etc. They always have two ends in mind. Primarily they are planning for victory but at the same times, they are planning for failure (contingency plans). For every move a company makes, like coming out with a new product, they will plan all the way to the creation of that amazing new product but at the same time they will create back up plans in case the product cannot take off.

    So I think the idea of the law with "the end in mind" is very important, but with a world that wants to live forever, we must think of it as "the ends in mind"

    Niko Falcon

  8. Most of the time, planned goals do not succeed precisely because it is too idealistic to execute. A lot of unforeseen circumstances come on its way and thus destroying the whole plan. I believe that when it comes to planning, one must expect the unexpected. By doing so, one can be prepared and think of a way to avoid those unexpected things from happening or at least a solution to them when they occur. It may be pretty hard to think about all of the unexpected things but it's better to be equipped in one's plan than to be off-guarded when faced with such situation.

    Bottom line: one should expect for the worst and hope for the best.

    Miriam R. Reyes

  9. Plan all the way to it, taking into account ALL the possible consequences?? This is impossible because there are an infinite number of possible consequences in any given situation. I guess this is where instincts and the ability to rise to the occasion come in as these are the qualities that separate the great from the ordinary. In other words, you have to be great to plan all the way to the end without worrying all of the possible consequences. But then again it’s always good to plan all the way to the end but not too much though as it will just waste your time. It makes your goals much easier to achieve.

  10. This law is telling us to have Plans B to Z at the ready in case Plan A goes up in smoke. Like Dexter said, prepare.

    Dan is right when he says that it is impossible to take into account all the possible consequences. That's we just have to be prepared for anything that gets thrown our way.

  11. "Dan said...

    Plan all the way to it, taking into account ALL the possible consequences?? This is impossible because there are an infinite number of possible consequences..."

    I agree, there are an infinite amount of things that can happen in any given time. I think however that the law is trying to promote that idea of "a plan is better than no plan". Most of the times when we are caught of guard and have to use our instincts, we result to looking for something we already know and working with that to fix the unforeseen problem. Meticulously planning can help us during times unforeseen events arise. When these happen, the plan we already had in mine, can act as a platform from which we can be creative and instinctive.

    I believe that nothing is done by pure instinct. Structure is the key, a foundation is necessary for any plan.

    Law29 also promotes the idea of having a goal. In times of uncertainty and when the whole game changes and a person is caught off-guard, one of the only things he may have is his goal. He/she can now work from the goal and create a solution.

    Niko Falcon

  12. I also believe that this law backs up the purpose of having a goal, especially a long term one. In all my years in Ateneo, my teachers and moderators always stress the importance of having a goal. We would always begin the first few sessions with goal setting to make certain that we are going in the right direction. Everything has to be planned to the very end in order to avoid any confusion or misunderstanding along the way.

    Marvin Velasco
    Hi18 N

  13. Having plans for everything is good. It's also good to have back-up plans or "plan B's" in case your previous plans don't work.

    Alex Salaveria

  14. This law is one leaders should always keep in mind. When you start something, you have to be prepared to end it as well. Like personal issues, any undertaking needs a closure. An exit strategy, if you must. For without it, all that you have struggled to build up will be for naught as it crumbles under its own weight due to its lack of synergy. Besides, if you left something incomplete, you did nothing but create a hella big mess.

    (i.e. 2nd Gulf War)
    They never planned how to end it. Now look what happened. It all went downhill from day 1.

    Frederick Lim


  15. I agree with Ian Cadeliña's comment. He couldn't have said it better. We should begin with the end in mind--make plans, but make them flexible. We should embark on the path we choose to take prepared. We should journey into the perilous, ever-changing unknown with at least a MAP. We must know where we're going, but be prepared to take side trips, detours and face hurdles along the way.

    Eric Andres
    HI 18 Section N

  16. I like how you guys said that when things don't go according to plan, chaos ensues. I think an end goal be kept in my mind, when resistance strikes then you construct another plan.

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