Monday, July 21, 2008


Time, is but an invention of man. The real essense of which cannot be captured by the numbers we’ve used as markers because time is, as we’ve come to know so far, endless. This concept of course is used to provide order in our lives, but as an invention of man, it is then pliable, flexible and even to a certain extent, controllable.

Man has become attatched to this concept of time, the very order of our lives depend on it. Disrupt time, and you shall disrupt the structure itself.

The book teaches us two different approaches to time, of which one should master in order to succeed.

First of all, one must realize he/she is not Piper Halliwell of Charmed who can actually freeze time and kick the demon’s ass. Time, itself, is out of our control.

What we CAN control is our perception of it.

I’d hate to use this annoying hallmark saying, but as cheezy as it sounds, it forever holds true that “time flies when you’re having fun.”

Our emotions hold the key to manipulating time.Master the art of patience, and wait for the right momment to strike. When we succumb to anger and fear, time seems short, and we lash out without proper contemplation.

Conversely, we can use time against our enemies. One powerful tool: the deadline. By forcing an opponent to act hurriedly, his actions will most likely be quick judgements instead of well-thought decisions.

The prime example given in the book is Joseph Fouche, of whom (in my personal opinion) the title of master of timing and man-whoring should be given. Probably the only reason why he survived (and actually attained great power) during the French revolution is his: knowledge of when to stand back, unwavering patience, and ability to market himself to the most powerful person at the time.

Follow his example, and you will be on your road to power.

Control your emotions to make time for yourself, disrupt the timing of others, and finally when the right time comes, pummel your opponent to the ground.

-Nico Mendiola sec O


  1. "Time is gold" as the saying goes.
    Learning the tactics of time can tend you to be better at your work. Note that proper time management is the way a very successful person acts, just like the leaders mentioned. Timing also can be used for your enemy. Having the time your enemy is unprepared is the best time to attack, but when use improperly, such as rushing, it can be dangerous. "Fools rush in" as they say.
    -Jedd Emille Chua
    Hi 18 O

  2. i agree with jedd as he quotes the cliche, "Time is Gold." sometimes rushing into things makes you regret it more when the damage is done. timing is indeed everything especially when it comes to matters concerning not only you but a bunch more people. you see examples of the trojan horse and how it led them to victory, they caught their enemies when they were least expecting it, and this i think is the main point of this law.

    think it over

    Nastashja Melevo

  3. TIMING IS EVERYTHING! Another cheesy line: "We had the right love at the wrong time." HAHAHA! Basically anything in life that ever means anything can be contributed to the fact that it happened at the right time in your existence. I mean, think about it. Everything that happens could be good, could be wonderful, could be perfect. But it all depends on the timing. If it happens at the wrong time, say, you aren't in the mood, you aren't ready for it yet, etc., could all lead to really disastrous results.

    It's just like dancing. Any choreographed sequence can be beautiful as long as you dance to the beat and follow the music. If your timing is off, it won't matter if you did your best or you executed the routine perfectly, because it's going to be off-beat, and everyone will know. Everyone will know for sure.

    So use the concept of timing as a guideline. Remember that anything can be successful and beautiful as long as you hit that note just right when it was ready for you.

    Dyan Garcia, II AB MEC, Hi18 O

  4. I really like this law. It is so relevant to us now because our lives are very fast paced. Our lives are full of deadlines, curfews, etc. We are always rushing. We need to learn how to get time on our side and stop trying to work against it.

    Katrina L. Abello

  5. One must have utmost patience when waiting for the next move. Since time is a universal constant, all we could do is catch up with it. But we must not sacrifice efficiency with the quality of work. It all boils down to how efficient we manage time.

    -Janine Cindy Santiago HI18 N

  6. "Time, itself, is out of our control. What we CAN control is our perception of it."

    I really like this. Yes time is out of our control, but depending on how we handle situations we are in, we can easily manipulate it, use it to our advantage.

    Don't try to go against it because we all know that is humanly impossible. Go with it. As a lot have been saying, "time is everything." You can do so much with it that would prove useful to you. It's all in the "right moment".

    "We have all the time in the world"-- another very cliche saying that simply means don't rush into anything especially if you're not sure of it. Don't push it either. Be sure of the facts or what you're dealing with.

    -Bianca Michaela Bes, Hi 18-O

  7. There sure are a lot of time quotes around, huh. Many cliched and "cheesy", but we all know that cliches are cliches because there is truth in them.:D

    Anyway, I am of the opinion that learning how to master timing is one of the things you just can't learn easily. It comes with a lot of experience, maybe even a lot of failed attempts at getting it just right. It's like playing Bust-a-Move, DDR or Guitar Hero; I imagine one may have had to go through a bit of trial and practice to get the timing just right, and when you've mastered it, you can commence the pummeling. :D

    Patty Geollegue

  8. I agree with this law. Timing is very crucial in life. When to become serious, when to do things, when to anticipate the starting gun and so much more. Be steady and know when the time is right even if that will come later than what you want. As they say, "Patience is a virtue."

    Alfonso S. Laviña
    HI 18 Section O

  9. I remember when I was young, I'd always think that time is faster when I do not stare at the clock. Whenever I'd want time to slow down, I'd watch the second-hand of my watch tick second by second, making its way around the numbers 1 through 12. It took me a while to realize time didn't actually speed up or slow down; time is just a measure imposed by humans to measure specific period of history. It's all in our heads. :p

    I agree with this law. Timing IS everything. Controlling your perception of time, and the way your manage time does hand over some power to you.

    Eric Andres
    HI 18 Section N

  10. oh.. timing... pretty clever invention...

    Waiting for the right time to strike, very useful tactic.

    Timing shows patience just like in StarWars "Patience is a virtue". Waiting for the right time to decide or act can make the most out of the situation.

    It is like courting someone special. You wait for the right time to say the things you want to say.

    Well, time isn't everything though. It's the chances given at a certain time.

    Don Faylon

  11. I believe that the power time holds over us is the power we put into it. It is time that makes us rush, makes us stressed, makes us work faster, and pretty much controls everything we do. Time is so precious that even the slightest millisecond can affect the outcome of anything. The power is indeed in the way we perceive time, and sadly, we can no longer change that.

    This law was crucial in the past. Think how Hannibal knew that the time was not right to attack Rome. He knew it was not the right time yet, and it was his patience that won him more time to get reinforcements. He knew that his timing would be able to determine the war, so he did not attack just yet.

    It is time that controls us and limits what we can and cannot do. But it is also time that provides us with opportunities to act. We must learn to see time not as an enemy but as an ally.

    Marian Janelle Aliwalas
    HI 18 N

  12. I forgot what verse it is but I positive that there is a verse in the Bible that talks about the right time of things. It is universal fact. Timing is everything. Thus one must not act out of sheer feeling. One must know when to do things. Doing the right things at the right time will not only save you time but effort, money and energy as well.

    Dexter Tanengsy, Hi18-N

  13. Dexter, it's Ecclesiastes 3: 1-8, one of the most beautiful passages in the bible.

    Timing, I suppose, can also be related to fortuna. More often than not, people become powerful or become heroes because they were at the right place at the right time. Take Jose Rizal, for one. Although he was a man of great intelligence and love for his country and its people, the art of timing contributed greatly to his naming as our National Hero. It was not so much the timing of his works or of his speeches, but the timing of his birth. Had he been born earlier, the situation that allowed him to be a hero would not have been given to him by fortuna.

    Another example is former President Cory Aquino. At a time when people were looking for a symbol of hope and reform, she was there, widow of Ninoy Aquino. She may have possessed admirable characteristics herself, but none (or very few) as greatly attributed to the time she was known and loved by the Filipinos. Her husband was just murdered, she was left a widow at such a crucial time in the politics of the country, and Ferdinand Marcos wanted to keep his hold on power. Had it not been for these circumstances, her bid for presidency may not even have existed.

    That is not to say, of course, that neither Jose Rizal nor Cory Aquino would not have been our national hero and first lady president respectively, for that would be hypothesis contrary to fact. It is, however, important to know that their victories were that much influential because of fortuna, because of the circumstances they have been given to work with.

    Pia Angela J. Maske
    II AB-MA Political Science
    Hi 18, Section O
    Law 33: Discover Each Man's Thumbscrew

  14. One of my favorite high school teachers mentioned this line almost every week, "There is a time for everything". Whenever he says it, he means that you don't have to do something right away just because it's on your to-do list. You have to analyze the situation and plan ahead. Think of the best possible moment to execute and take advantage. His quote has always stuck with me because of how true it is.

    Also, to follow up on the quote, “time flies when you’re having fun.”, I have another from Albert Einstein: "Put your hand on a hot stove for a minute, and it seems like an hour. Sit with a pretty girl for an hour, and it seems like a minute. THAT'S relativity.”

    Marvin Velasco
    Hi18 N

  15. "Timing is Everything", cliche and cheesy as it is, it's my personal favorite saying. Think about this:

    "Would you rather be doing something wrong at the right time, or would you rather be doing something right at the wrong time?"

    The former is obviously better.

    Why I wouldn't choose the latter: If you study for a test (the right thing to do) during a party (the wrong time), you won't be able to learn anything and your work will be fruitless.

    Why I'd choose the former:
    If you panic and trip during an earthquake(the wrong thing), the piece of scaffolding that was supposed to hit you will miss you (the right time).

    I know that I veered off-topic, but I just wanted to show how significant timing is.

    Patrick Reyes Hi18o

  16. Patrick, i think your second example is more coincidence than timing.

    Timing is done with consciousness. It is practiced and put into action. On the other hand, you can be a complete idiot and the fates will you grant fortune or coincidence whether you want it or not.

  17. Timing is everything. Really. But it can be difficult to carry out.

    One shallow example: joke time. To get a good snowball effect out of your joke, you have to wait for the right mood, the right build-up, the right hitch in the breaths of your audience. Only when you get everything right can your joke be successful.

    Wrong timing: one of the reasons most great minds are not appreciated in their time. Their ideas are too advanced or avant-garde for the public's taste. Sad.

  18. The art of timing is hard to master. You must find the perfect time to strike or act with all the variables for success favor you like chances.

    Very Strong law I must say but only a few can tame this much power. It takes time and experience to master this powerful law. It takes intelligence, careful calculations, planning, and a bit of luck to execute this law.

    Very powerful I must iterate.

    Don Faylon

  19. Before even one masters the art of timing (and be successful with it), one must first recognize the value of it and recognize the fact that its out of our control—just like what the entry says.

    Timing is indeed very crucial. Just like in a great comedy act, the success or failure of an individual depends on the right timing.
    Katherine Conde
    Hi18 O

  20. good post. It's true that time is uncontrollable but what we do with the time given is what matters most. Make the most out of the time given to you.

    -Carlo Emmanuel F. de Guzman
    Hi 18 - O
