The best deceptions are the ones that seem to give the other person a choice: Your victims feel they are in control, but are actually your puppets. Give people options that come out in your favor whichever one they choose. Force them to make choices between the lesser of two evils, both of which serve your purpose. Put them on the horns of a dilemma: They are gored wherever they turn.
This law is all about laying low. Do not show off that you control the odds, make them feel all powerful, make them feel that they are the ones making the decisions, but in fact, the decisions that they are making is all in favor of you. Make them think that they are the one being served, but in fact, they are the slaves. Make them your scapegoat. Be patient, use the power of delayed gratification to make them think that you will not benefit from everything they do, but in fact, you will be the one to take it all, making them suffer for their own insolence. One perfect example of a historical person who exemplified this law of power is Adolf Hitler. He formed alliances, served others, until he convinced the ones in power to give him power. He used them as a stepping stone, and in the end he had total control.
Indeed, there is a need to do this at times, especially when other people are taking advantage of you. This is life. We have to accept the fact that everyone is trying to take control of whatever they can grab hold of. The secret is being subtle. Do not show them that you are the powerful one, else they will try to take you down. Being a threat to others will hold back your plans. Show them that you are insignificant. All the 48 laws of power go hand in hand to achieve total control. Is it being mean? Is it being evil? Or is it simply being practical? You be the judge.
Gomez, John Kristoffer M.
History 18 – Section L
i think this law is totally fair. it's not mean if the person allows himself to be limited to the options or choices that you give. A smart person would ask for more; he would try to bargain. I mean, it;s not as if you're blackmailing or coercing anyone. you're still giving him a choice right?
ReplyDeleteIf he's not lazy or not easily intimidated, he'd abstain or find someone else to deal with. it's a free world.
monica ang, L
i think that, if you do not present yourself as a threat, then you accomplish more for yourself -- and this is exactly what the law tries to convey.
ReplyDeletei find that, despite the familiar emphasis on deception, the law gives others a choice -- and people who act on their own free will recognize do not realize they are under the yolk of a greater power. and this brings to mind the question -- how do you define the difference between those with or without power if everyone is able to manipulate and be manipulated? and how is Power still Power if it is not concentrated on a single individual or group of people ?
Free Will and choice being manipulated and propagated as illusion, how do we know if there is such a thing as free will or choice ?
kyra ballesteros hi18 k
as i read through your law, i was able to connect this with law 3 and law 21. all these laws have a common denominator where deception is key. in order to make other people ride along in your plans, you really have to appear insignificant, and that you are not a threat at all. in addition to this, you have to make the people you are dealing with feel that they are in charge of everything, that they will benefit from the situation, and that they will win in the end. but in reality, you want to make things work your way. in using other people to achieve your own goals, one must be wary of the way he or she presents himself or herself. it is really important to be subtle. you want to gain the trust of other people and assure them that everything is okay.
ReplyDelete-Philip Albert T. Verde
Hi18 K
Every man has pride. One always wishes to be at par with someone above them whatever it takes. It is therefore very strategic to seem like someone inferior - playing it low - so you get to manipulate and reel them in to do what you want them to do so.
ReplyDeleteRhea Entuna
i think you have to be way smarter to pull this off properly. this really reminds me of when me and my ate were younger (i was maybe 4). my mom tried to teach us the value of sharing so she bought us only one pair of goggles. my ate goes: bea. i have a great idea! let's make a deal. i'll use this pair only when we're in the water (which was only 1 hr a day max) and you can wear it any time else. that's 23 hours! mine's only 1. in my head, i was thinking wow. my god. brilliant idea. that example alone illustrates how powerful this law can be when used properly.
ReplyDeleteocampo 18-k
I think this law requires a lot of skills and intelligence. One has to be smart and fast enough to figure out what are likely to happen in every choice that the others are about to make. He should also determine whether it would guarantee him benefits or not.
ReplyDeleteTo answer the last questions, I think this law is allowing people to be practical and flexible. Although the others (opponent) would think that this is mean and evil, this is the way the life is. Sometimes, we have to take advantages of other people because there are also times when other people take advantages of us..
Yu Chin Hong
I believe that the key concept that needs to be perfected in order to take advantage of this law effectively is the art of manipulation and persuasion. If the people trying to take control lack the skills to deceive innocent and gullible minds, how will they be able to control the options in their favor then?
ReplyDelete- Juan Carlos Miguel M. Galvez
Hi18 - L
Hi Kris!
ReplyDeleteI think it's being practical. It's a wise move actually. Laying on the low can give you the advantage of secrecy. Secrecy prevent you from exposing yourself to your enemy.
Why is this so important?
...because it gets your opponent to feel all too confident about himself..and that over-confidence, my friend, is going to lead to his downfall.
And i agree with Miguel.
Without the proper skills in manipulation, you will not be able to achieve the results you expect out of "laying low".
Its like hiding how you've got good cards to bring down the table (on a cardgame) ...but you cant because you won't "act normal" and you start feeling so "giddy" about it. Your opponents are sure gonna take that as a hint and use it to prepare themselves against you.
Raizza Encinas
Hi18 Section L
@monica - thanks for the comment :) ..yeah its true that you are still giving the person some choices.. but the choices you are giving him is both against him. its a lose-lose situation for him. basically its a weapon of manipulation, but the person you are manipulating will still be grateful to you as he will not see what your true agendum is. so the question is: is doing that already considered evil or immoral?
ReplyDeleteJohn Kristoffer M. Gomez
hi18 - section L
@kyra - thanks for the comment :) ..we will only be able to tell who holds the power when one emerges as the one successful in this fight for power. we will never be able to tell who manipulates and who is being manipulated until there is one person or group of people who is able to manipulate anyone or everyone he/she/they please.
ReplyDeleteif you are able to pull this law perfectly, then the person or group of people you are trying to manipulate will never recognize the difference of free will and choices when in fact, they are moving according to your own personal will.
John Kristoffer M. Gomez
hi18 - section L
@philip - thanks for the comment :) for what you said, i totally agree with it. you can actually connect all the laws with all the other laws. i believe that they work hand in hand with each other, and by pulling off each law with successful execution, then you will be able to acquire true power. and yeah i also agree with what you said about deception being a key ingredient.
ReplyDeleteJohn Kristoffer M. Gomez
hi18 - section L
Hello Kris!
ReplyDeleteAs a matter of opinion I find the 48 laws of power as somewhat impractical and foolish. For one thing, having an entire book dedicated to deception and manipulation does not speak well of its writer. I find that respect and personal integrity are greater movers of people. His example, Hitler, was indeed powerful, but his rise cannot be attributed solely to this so called "laws of power" it was a by-product of many things, including his own charisma, the conclusion of the first world war and other areas including economy, ideologies among others.
I also just want to say that the laws of power foster an environment of mistrust and deception. To weal and deal with people who you treat as enemies is very impractical, in the sense that, time that you can spend thinking of solutions or improving yourself and your team/organization is spent wheeling and dealing deceptions and illusions which are not particularly useful for achieving the task at hand or moving towards a vision. I think it is ultimately better to form bonds of trust and mutual respect with peers as a way of creating an environment that is conducive to adaptive learning and personal growth
Basically what you would call intelligent manipulation. In times of war it will usually come off as totally evil and deceptive, but if you think about it, its also present during peace time.
ReplyDeleteManipulation amongst each other is actually what countries use to assert their power and authority over each other in times of peace.
-Vince R.
@bea - thanks for the comment :) haha ang kulit nung example. anyway, yeah most of the time, we unconsciously do these kinds of things not because we want supreme power over others, but we simply only want to take advantage of resources (as for your example, the scarcity of goggles hehe). this law can be stated as being practical if used for practical purposes, but can also be stated as evil, if is intended for use to manipulate others.
ReplyDeleteJohn Kristoffer M. Gomez
hi18 - section L
Personally, I don't like this law. I don't like the thought of deceiving and manipulating people to get what I want. But I guess, this is just how our world works. Deception is going to be the key to a person's success in his endeavors. I may not like this law but sometimes we just can help but be manipulative for things to work our way.
ReplyDeleteI don't think that this law will work all the time. I agree with Monica that a smart person will ask for more options, not letting himself be limited to the options given.
Like all the other laws, this will not work if not carefully planned. We should always keep in mind that things will not always go our way so we should have a back up plan.
I don't understand why this law is all about laying low. You can lay low for a while and then just show off what you got right? I mean, how can people trust you and give you power when you seem incompetent? I guess a person has to know how the other people around him think and act for his plan to work effectively.
Clarice Manuel
hi18 K
@yu chin - thanks for the comment :) yeah i totally agree that this law is all about wits and intelligence because you have to think ahead of your enemy. you should know what the enemy would think because this way you can offer him the options he can't refuse but still is favorable to you.
ReplyDeleteand yeah, the reality of life is, everyone will try to take advantage of others, intendedly or not, in one way or another.
John Kristoffer M. Gomez
hi18 - section L
@miguel - thanks for the comment :) yeah, almost every law in the 48 laws of power relies on the power of manipulation, deception, and persuasion. and the main premise of the laws is that all your enemies are innocent and gullible. i also believe in the saying "it takes one to know one".. so if you are not intelligent enough to know your enemies' schemes and techniques, then you will never see that you are just being manipulated by your foe by choosing options that are all in favor of him/her/them.
ReplyDeleteJohn Kristoffer M. Gomez
hi18 - section L
@raiz - thanks for the comment :) nice analogy on the playing the game of cards. your opponents will expect less actions from you if you hide your emotions of excitement when you get good cards. "poker face" hehe. same thing here. although secrecy is a good strategy, being too mysterious can also lead to speculations. and once your opponents speculate with what your true power is, then it will lead to you being exposed and eventually your downfall. so the best thing to do is to balance everything out.
ReplyDeleteJohn Kristoffer M. Gomez
hi18 - section L
@jer - thanks for the comment :) yeah its true that these laws of power revolve on the certain skill of manipulation and deception, which is bad, and the formation of friendships, bonds, and alliances is a much better strategy in attaining power.
ReplyDeletebut the way i see it, these laws of power are explained so we are not caught by surprise by the friends, allies we made or are dealing with when they try to betray us. these laws give us the advantage of thinking ahead and so we are not backstabbed by the people we trust. these laws give us the idea of what others MAY think, making us invulnerable to blindsided attacks.
for me, it is not teaching us to deceive others, but to protect us from being deceived.
John Kristoffer M. Gomez
hi18 - section L
@vince - thanks for the comment :) yeah i agree with you that the act of manipulation is still abundant even during the time of peace. the harsh reality of life is that true peace can only be attained when "the power of love overcomes the love of power" (jimi hendrix). but i guess its still a very long time before we achieve this "true peace".
ReplyDeleteJohn Kristoffer M. Gomez
hi18 - section L
@ice - thanks for the comment :) i think that most people do enact this law and use it in their daily lives unintentionally. for example, there's a group project, and the work will be divided amongst the members.. usually people tend to pick the easiest task to be assigned to them. its not really grabbing power, but it does utilize this law to give them advantage in terms of workload.
ReplyDeletethese laws of power will only work given that: you are good in manipulation and deception, and the people wherein you try to apply these laws unto are gullible and innocent. i believe that intelligent people will also try to apply these laws unto you as well when they feel the need to do so.
for me you need to lay low because showing off what you've got will just lead to so-called "gangbanging". if people see you as a major threat, they might team up against you. they might see you as their common enemy if you show off that you do have too much power. and besides, when trying to lay low, it is assumed that you already have power, and you do not need the trust of others. what you need is, your foes will get confident that you are unable to beat them and get them when they least expect it.
John Kristoffer M. Gomez
hi18 - section L
Natural selection is a fact of nature. Survival of the fittest. Although I don't think there's such as thing as total control. We're all at the mercy of something or someone, but I guess that's why we have to write books like The 48 Laws of Power.
ReplyDeleteI think the best way to defeat any opponent is to let them die by their own weaknesses. And all 48 Laws rely on the fact that people have flaws that can be used against them. This law is fundamental.
Du, L
When there's heavy competition, and you know you could win if only you had a lot more experience and exposure, then this is the way to go. We tend to lay low and succumb to the more superior, making them feel as if we're allies but they're still the big bosses. Praise them if you can muster the disgust. Let's face it, pride is one of the guilty pleasures of man. When praised, worshiped and followed, your 'superior' would think that you're just a lowly person who can't do anything wrong other than follow him. As soon as you have laid down all your cards, leave your 'superior' in a predicament wherein there would be no escape for him -- other than stepping down and letting you attain power.
ReplyDeleteGliza Marasigan
This is so so true! As Law13 states, when asking people for help, appeal to their self-interes, never to their mercy or gratitude.
ReplyDeleteThe 31st law and the 13th law talks about power in the same way: Be in control discreetly.
It is a given that to be powerful you should be the one in control but to be powerful, it also is important that people don't feel that they are being controlled, or they will rebel against you. So the importance of giving them options comes in. It gives the appearance that they are actually deciding something and are in control when in reality, those two options are actually benefiting you and no matter what they choose, you come out as a winner.
Smart, real smart.
ReplyDeleteMarion Causing, Hi18-K
(forgot to put)
I've always thought elections have something to do with this.
ReplyDeletePeople vote. Statistics are flashed on every news channel. There are winners.
How sure are we that all that isn't fabricated, that all of it is for show?
We're said to have power in a democracy. Power to the people, all that jazz. But is it really?
How do we know there isn't a secret council that predetermines all civic and national matters for us?
How do we know that we are truly the masters of our own social existence?
A little bit of the conspiracy theorist in me haha.
Joey Palma
@the comments regarding card games: Yeah, I really like this law because I am an avid card game player myself, specifically poker. This law is THE law in that game, especially when you have the best hand in your perspective. It's best to keep your bets low and let the pot grow before taking the whole pot with one gargantuan bet (which is probably an application of law 3 as well). In theory you'll be victorious if you just use your cards to your favor and bet the right amounts. The application of this law is very sneaky indeed but once employed perfectly you'll fortify then your position of power.
ReplyDeleteAlan Ortiz
HI18 K
The main point that this law tries to point out is that one must be in control and use his or her resources wisely. I dont think that its cruel at all to let others play by your rules. They still have free will, it just takes one to convince them to "play with the cards you deal". Now if this law is practiced through any form of threat or blackmail, then we have a problem here.
ReplyDeleteRichard Hahn
It's all about practicality. Since you control the option, why not take advantage of them? Today is not the time for the popularization of martyrs. We mus be liberated in order to excel and evolve. Moreover, the concept of "blackmailing" may be evident but in any case, it still leads to an immense amount of control, at the same time power.
ReplyDeleteLambino Mikail.
I think this law relates with the other law that states "never appear too perfect." It brings me back to the concepts of espionage and stealth. It is good to hide your powers and your abilities from others so that they won't have any assumptions about you and therefore when dealing with you, they will be unprepared. Gloating about your victories may not intimidate others and may instead encourage them to do their research and learn about your faults.
ReplyDeleteRegina A. Yulo
Hi 18 L
I agree with you in saying that this is indeed, a powerful tool. however, the real question is how to actually gain this advantage. it is not merely up to anyone who actually controls the resources needed by the majority. As such, this law could be said to be bordering on sheer luck.
ReplyDelete-Angelo Mendoza, His18-L
Again, another law about manipulation. I find this really clever. You make the options for someone making it appear that he's the one in control because he gets to choose, but in reality, all options are in favor of you. I don't think it's being evil. It's being wise and practical. However, it's really hard to pull off a trick like this, as most people noted in their comments. It isn't easy to make all options seem beneficial for the victim when it's really for your advantage. With that said, the success of this law depends on the skills of the person who uses it (he must be a good mambobola; must be good at convincing people), and whether your victim is dumb enough not to notice he doesn't really have an option that'll do good for him.
ReplyDeleteDana Cammayo
I believe total control is a goal for all laws of power, but I believe it is just one of the goals. I mean, control is just one aspect of power…
ReplyDeleteAnyway, about the law, I believe it only applies to the time when you need other people to do something for you or you need something from others. So, I think this law shouldn’t be used much. I think you should do things yourself as much as possible. You shouldn’t depend on others so much that you need to control their options juts to get what you want. I’m not saying this is a good law, but I just think (too much) dependence is unnecessary.
Chris Macalinao
Hi18 - L
I think that this law is a pretty smart one. It may sound a bit too cruel but people do use this (even unintentionally). I remember lying to my parents once. Then I offered them 2 options, one of which implies that I've already lost to what they wanted me to do. But that was only for show because I ended up getting away from the trouble I was supposed to be in when I get caught.
ReplyDeleteThat was a really rebellious example I just gave, and I feel really guilty about what I did until now. I've pledged never to do it ever again...In any case, this law needs not just mastering poker face (which I'm pretty good at) or deception, it's also about knowing when to do it. You don't just simply go pulling it on anyone you come into contact with. Do this only when the situation calls for it, not because that person deserves it.
Chua Rojas, Serica
Hi 18 - L
I find this law kind of ironic, 'cause if you control the options, it means you already have power to begin with. So you use your power to acquire more power? I guess, in effect, that's what this law is about. I agree with Dana, this is all about manipulation and pambobola. Subtlety is the key here, you don't want them to know that you control the cards.
ReplyDeleteWith regard to the evil-or-practical debate, I think it all comes down to how much you manipulate the people. There's a difference between dealing the cards and cheating. You can give them an even chance, or you can make sure you win at the onset. It's up to you.
Sam Bautista
The article was very interesting and informative for me.
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